
SWOT Analysis

The SWOT analysis template, which refers to the strength and weaknesses, opportunities and threats, is an effective business tool commonly used for considering internal and external issues.

The template includes a list of the most common types of internal and external issues within the context of your organisation and a lookup column to the Controls list enables you to demonstrate how you mitigate Weaknesses and Threats and enhance Strengths and Opportunities.

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Management Reports

The SWOT analysis Lookup columns can be filtered and sorted to provide management reports by Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats so you can quickly identify information required for audits and reports.

ISOvA IMS Toolbox SWOT Analysis Online Demo
SWOT Analysis on the ISOvA IMS Toolbox

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Once completed, you can also lookup your Interested Parties from the Risk and Opportunities register, which reduces effort and avoids duplication errors.

Use our detailed SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) template to see areas that need exploring or expanding, as well as those that need a plan for mitigation.

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